Semester Reflection

General Long Answer:  

  1. Although I know I still have room to grow in these areas, I know I have gotten better at utilizing available resources and communicating/networking with others. This was due to exposure to my fiqws and speech course along with being a college student. During our plenaries, we were given resources that we can use and how we can use them along with solid advice and motivation on communication and networking with fellow classmates, students, and other faculty members. Because of this, I was able to make friends with other students and gain connections with people in certain clubs and programs, and by next year I want to expand that catalog even more and better my skills. 
  1.  What I am most proud of from this academic year is improving my social skills. Before college, my social skills declined in high school, and since being in college, I have seen an increase in allowing me to be charismatic and able to network with others. I am now trying to find a balance to become sociable enough to communicate with anyone or almost anyone. 
  1.  What went well this past academic year was my academic success. Throughout the semester, I have been passing classes with exceptional grades. Some of these assignments were writing assignments so for some, I went to the writing center for advice and extra credit. The writing center gave me critiques and advice on writing techniques to use the next time I author a paper or an essay. Attending professor meeting hours or communicating with them helped me understand the assignment more or whatever topic we learned. 
  1. Most of the goals I set for myself this semester was not met and that was due to various personal reasons and academic/extracurricular stats before college. Another thing that did not go well was occasional procrastination. Occasional procrastination occurred due to lack of motivation or being physically/mentally exhausted from being up all-day during work or assignments. 
  1. I did not gain much insight this year as I have already experienced my needs for mitigating challenges. This year, I have gained access to more areas to help me calm down, get advice, or to sit down and handle what I must do. Places like the various libraries around the school or talking to various staff across the school that can advise me in my current challenges are a major help to have.  
  1. From the challenges I faced this year and what I can do for next time, I will make sure I am properly prepared and adequate for whatever I am getting myself into before I stress myself out and demotivate myself. I will make sure to make use of al, the resources available to me and to keep myself motivated throughout the year so I can stay focused 
  1. The happiest I felt throughout the year was connecting with new friends/people at events or in class. To experience this feeling more often, it is best for me to communicate more with others around me and be more social. 
  1. The moments I am proud of are passing my assignments with good grades. I usually celebrate by giving myself well deserved sleep. A moment I was extremely proud of was getting a 37/35 for my psychology paper 2. I celebrated by getting myself some food and enjoying my lunch in the wind.  
  1.   The science department, the writing center, and the various fairs throughout the semester gave me insight on what the school has to offer and guided me on what I want to do throughout this semester and next semester as well.  

Short Answer: 

  1. The meanings behind these terms have not changed much but I realized that they are extremely useful and are used for certain situations. They are a genius strategy to bring similar audiences together and depending on the genre and author’s intent can either bring a generic art piece or an insightful piece with various innovative ideas and twists. 
  1. I realized to navigate different writing situations; you need to differentiate the two situations. If I am drafting an article, my thought process and writing techniques will be different than when I am drafting a poem due to the style differences and what each genre of writing is supposed to represent. You must be careful to ensure everything in your writing flows together cohesively. 
  1. This class helped to structure my writing better. After writing multiple drafts of articles or other essays, I realize that my biggest weakness is structure and how my piece does not flow correctly. With the help of the professor, I am seeing that issue and trying my best to improve on it to become a better writer.  
  1. I created a poem and shared it electronically as my piece for my new audience. Poems are usually pieces that use clever techniques such as similes and metaphors, but they are also known for the emotional value they carry. Since my topic is about police brutality against the black community in America, a poem can really hit the emotional part of the reader and that allows them to connect deeper with the poem and the topic. Sharing the poem electronically would give most people the ability to read the poem as most people are using technology around them nowadays.  
  1. I would use a similar process to what I did recently in this class. Evaluate my skill set and what I can realistically do. Then evaluate my topic and see how it can be translated into different genres and through various mediums and how that can be properly executed. Then think about if the audience I am targeting is suitable for my outline.  
  1. The research process is the hardest part of the writing process. This is due to trying to find credible sources, the amount of information available on your topic, and other factors that come into play. In the future, I want to prioritize my research process on finding credible sources and information and then conclude on a topic. Also, keep in mind that research can expand to other sources and not just google. Areas such as the library, credible people such as professors and doctors, and many more.  
  1. This course gives me the opportunity and freedom to openly express my opinions and stances on topics that come to mind. Because of this, my ability to express myself has increased and with the genre assignment it gives me another opportunity to express myself instead of drafting your traditional essay. This course is unique as it differentiates from standard English classes where all you do is draft essays. This class has you express yourself and then being graded on by effort.